Deutsch 4/AP Deutsch

Course Description


2018 ist hier, aber die Stundenpläne sind nicht!
You must check Schoology for our weekly lesson plans starting now!  There is also a discussion assignment due Wednesday.  

Lesson Plans for December 11-15

Alle - Exam exemptions will be posted on Thursday for all classes in 289, pending absence totals on Friday.  If you miss the quiz on Wednesday, you must make it up by Friday, or you will receive a zero.  This may affect your exemption status, so unless you are contagious, make sure to be here!  Your Frau will miss you!
Deutsch 1 - review Monday and Tuesday.   Weather quiz Wednesday.  Christmas in Germany and Austria Thursday and Friday.
Deutsch 2 - review Monday and Tuesday.  Präteritum/Vokabeln Quiz on Wednesday.  Christmas in Germany and Austria Thursday and Friday.
Deutsch 3 - Kleiner Werwolf due Monday.  Review Monday and Tuesday.  Vokabeln Quiz Wednesday.  Christmas in Germany and Austria Thursday and Friday.
AP - Harry Potter Trival Spiel Monday.  Review Vokabeln and Grammatik Tuesday.  Kapitel 5 Quiz Wednesday.  Christmas in Germany and Austria Thursday and Friday.

Lesson Plan, Q2, Week 6

Thanksgiving is a memory, and December is arriving Friday.  Don't forget to watch or march in the Collierville Christmas Parade on Friday night!  There may be a Frau you know pulling a float.
The German Club Christmas party is Saturday night (club members only), 7-9 p.m., at 106 Main on the Square (the building with the Collierville mural on the side).  Bring a treat to share and a "dirty Santa" gift ($5 or less in value).  Drinks, paper goods and some treats will be provided by your club dues.  RSVP in 289 by Wednesday.

Trip meeting has moved!

We are now meeting in our German classroom, 289.   Yes, upstairs and at the end of the hall.  Don't worry, it will get you in shape for the trip!