Angela Lopez » Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Retesting/Rewriting Policy
Per the CHS English Department, students in Standard English classes are allowed to retake tests and quizzes for up to a 70% if they receive a failing grade.  Remediation requirements and retake times are up to the teacher's discretion.  Students in Honors or AP classes are not allowed to retake tests or quizzes.
All students in all English classes are allowed to rewrite essays, regardless of the grade earned.  Upon completing the required remediation determined by the teacher of record, students may rewrite in an attempt to earn a higher score (up to 100%).  Students must schedule and complete the rewrite within one week from the return date.
Cell Phones
Students are not allowed to use their cell phones or have their cell phones out on their desks unless otherwise instructed by teacher.
In accordance with CHS's progressive discipline policy, disciplinary actions regarding cell phones will be enacted as follows:
  1. First infraction = verbal warning to student
  2. Second infraction = verbal warning to student + e-mail to parent
  3. Third infraction = verbal warning to student + e-mail to parent + disciplinary referral to grade-level administrator