Mike Bradley » Lifetime Sports

Lifetime Sports

The purpose of this course is to enable students to acquire a more than basic knowledge of team sports play, develop skill in specified team sports, and maintain or improve health-related fitness. The content should include, but not be limited to the following: safety practices, rules, terminology, etiquette, history of the sports, sportsmanship, correct techniques in performing skills, consumer issues, benefits of participation, fitness activities, and assessment of skills and fitness assessments. Sports offered in this class may include but not limited to Basketball, Croquet, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Badminton, Bowling, Xbox fitness games, Frisbee, Bean Bag Toss, Whiffle Ball. Walking with an iPod is also permitted as long as headphones are used.

Course Requirements and grading scale

1. Students will receive 10 points daily for participating in a team / sport activity.
2. Students must wear tennis shoes to participate in gym.
3. Grades are based on participation, effort, and attitude.

Illness or injury
If a student is sick or injured, a written note from a parent is required in order to be excused from activity that day. In case of a serious or extended illness or injury ( more than 3 days) a doctor's note is required.

Students will pick a team sport and write a 2 page typed paper covering the history, etiquette, rules and techniques of that sport.