Michael Kent » Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

Mr. Kent’s Classroom Rules


1.     Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings.

2.     Treat yourself, other students and teacher with respect and courtesy

3.     No food, drink or chewing gum allowed.

4.     No cell phones, video games, ipods or cameras allowed in class

5.     Come to class prepared, have your book, pencils/pen and paper.

6.     No passes to leave class will be given.




First offense warning

Second offense phone call to parents

Third offense disciplinary referral to Asst. Principal


Make Up Work


-       Make up work will only be accepted for excused absences

-       It is your responsibility to find out what assignments were missed

-       Assignments must be made up in a timely manner




-       Your grade will be determined by a combination of test, quizzes, lab work, projects, classwork and homework.

-       These areas will be weighted as follows

o   50% test

o   40% quizzes

o   10% all other assignments