Mary Jane May » Spanish II Honors (Retesting)-Pruebas de gramática

Spanish II Honors (Retesting)-Pruebas de gramática

PRUEBA: Presente

1. Copy notes on present tense verb conjugation taken during class once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the present tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
regular verbs: comprar, viajar, correr, vender, escribir, abrir
GO verbs: tener, venir, decir, salir, hacer, poner
IRREGULARS: ser, ir, estar
Stem-changers e to ie: cerrar, pensar, comenzar, empezar, entender, perder, referir, mentir, convertir
Stem-changers e to i: vestirse, repetir, servir, pedir
Stem-changers o to ue: dormir, costar, contar, volver, poder, almorzar
Stem-changer u to ue: jugar
Reflexives: bañarse, cepillarse, acostarse (ue), sentarse (ie), divertirse (ie)
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Pretérito 1

1. Copy notes on preterit tense verb conjugation taken during class once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the preterit tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
regular verbs: comprar, viajar, bailar, correr, vender, comer, escribir, abrir, decidir
IRREGULARS: ser/ir, dar
Stem-changers: dormir, morir, mentir, sentir, preferir, servir, pedir, vestirse, repetir
CAR, GAR, ZAR verbs: negar, rogar, castigar, pagar, llegar, clarificar, buscar, sacar, practicar, masticar, cazar, almorzar, cruzar, organizar, empezar
Reflexives: bañarse, cepillarse, acostarse, sentarse, ducharse
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Pretérito 2

1. Copy notes on preterite tense verb conjugation taken during class once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the preterite tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
Double Vowel Verbs
Verbs like leer: poseer, creer, caer, proveer
Verbs like construir: destruir, concluir, incluir, distribuir, huir, contribuir, fluir
Irregulars: andar, tener, estar, caber, haber, poder, poner, saber, hacer, venir, querer, atraer, decir, producir, traer, traducir, conducir, oponer, detener, deshacer
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Imperfecto

1. Copy notes on imperfect tense verb conjugation taken during class once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the imperfect tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
The ONLY 3 irregulars: ir, ser, ver
Regulars: bailar, andar, comprar, manejar, escribir, decir, dormir, morir, comer, beber, tener, vender, llegar, pagar, tocar, buscar, emepzar, cruzar, leer, creer, concluir, huir, ducharse, vestirse, despertarse, acostarse
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Futuro

1. Copy notes on future tense verb conjugation taken during class and the yellow cheat sheet with the irregulars once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the future tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
The 12 irregulars: decir, hacer, valer, poner, tener, salir, venir, poder, haber, caber, querer, saber
Regulars: bailar, andar, comprar, manejar, escribir, dormir, morir, comer, beber, vender, llegar, pagar, tocar, buscar, emepzar, cruzar, leer, creer, concluir, huir, ducharse, vestirse, despertarse, acostarse, ir, ser, estar, conocer
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Condicional

1. Copy notes on conditional tense verb conjugation taken during class and the yellow cheat sheet with the irregulars once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the conditional tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
The 12 irregulars: decir, hacer, valer, poner, tener, salir, venir, poder, haber, caber, querer, saber
Regulars: bailar, andar, comprar, manejar, escribir, dormir, morir, comer, beber, vender, llegar, pagar, tocar, buscar, empezar, cruzar, leer, creer, concluir, huir, ducharse, vestirse, despertarse, acostarse, ir, ser, estar, conocer
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Pretérito Perfecto (Present Perfect)

1. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the present perfect tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
The irregulars: abrir, cubrir, decir, escribir, hacer, morir, poner, ver, volver
Irregulars with prefixes: descubrir, describir, deshacer, oponer, envolver
Double vowel verbs: leer, caer, oír, 
Regulars: bailar, andar, comprar,  dormir, comer, beber,  ser, estar, conocer, vestirse, ir
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.

  1. Write the following sentences with present perfect and DOPs.

I have written my name.

I have thrown the ball.

  1. Write the following sentences with present perfect and IOPs.

I have given him the book.

I have brought the food to my mom.

  1. Write the following sentences with present perfect and double objects pronouns.

I have written you a letter.

I have read her a book.

***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.

PRUEBA: Present Subjunctive
1. Copy notes on present subjunctive tense verb conjugation taken during class once in your own handwriting. Bring the original set of notes to confirm that the notes were indeed copied.
2. Conjugate the following verbs into all six forms into the present subjunctive tense in your own handwriting on notebook paper:
Regular verbs: bailar, mandar, mirar, beber, vender, temer, vivir, escribir, abrir
GO verbs: hacer, salir, poner, tener, venir, decir, traer, caer
CAR, GAR, ZAR verbs: tocar, sacar, practicar, llegar, pagar, jugar, gozar, rezar
DISHES: dar, ir, saber, haber, estar, ser
Stem changers:
AR,ER stem changer: despertarse, comenzar, empezar, poder
IR verbs that double stem change: dormir, morir, repetir, servir, referir, mentir, sentirse
3. Come to tutoring for any further instruction and/or questions.
***ALL work must be completed and given to Maestra May on the day of the retake in order to take the retest.


Parte 1: Choose the correct answer.

1. Yo llevo los libros a clase.

a. Yo los llevo a clase.

b. Yo las llevo a clase.

c. Yo lo llevo a clase.

2. Ella invita a los chicos.

a. Ella la invita.

b. Ella las invita.

c. Ella los invita.

3. Mi madre llama a mi padre durante el día.

a. Mi madre lo llama durante el día.

b. Mi madre las llama durante el día.

c. Mi madre los llama durante el día.

4. Amelia compra las salchichas en el supermercado.

a. Amelia los compra en el supermercado.

b. Amelia la compra en el supermercado.

c. Amelia las compra en el supermercado.

5. La señora Lema enseña los verbos a los alumnos.

a. La señora Lema las enseña a los alumnos.

b. La señora Lema los enseña a los alumnos.

c. La señora Lema lo enseña a los alumnos.

6. Este chico mira la tele todas las noches.

a. Este chico lo mira todas las noches.

b. Este chico la mira todas las noches.

c. Este chico las mira todas las noches.

7. Mario trae las bebidas a la fiesta.

a. Mario las trae a la fiesta.

b. Mario lo trae a la fiesta.

c. Mario la trae a la fiesta.

8. Elena y Ana tienen el dinero para el helado.

a. Elena y Ana los tienen para el helado.

b. Elena y Ana la tienen para el helado.

c. Elena y Ana lo tienen para el helado.

9. Rosalita no vende las plantas en su tienda.

a. Rosalita no las vende en su tienda.

b. Rosalita no la vende en su tienda.

c. Rosalita no los vende en su tienda.

10. Mariana ayuda los animales los fines de semana.

a. Mariana la ayuda los fines de semana.

b. Mariana lo ayuda los fines de semana.

c. Mariana los ayuda los fines de semana.

Parte 2: Rewrite the sentence, changing the direct object noun to a pronoun.

1. Tú compras los refrescos.

2. Tú y yo comemos las langostas.

3. Ellos miran el menú..

4. Yo invito a mis amigos.

5. Roberto ve a Berta.

6. Esos señores quieren la cuenta.

7. José pide el jamón.

8. Yo no conozco a tu camarero.

9. Tú y yo esperamos nuestra cena.

10. Ud. come un sándwich de jamón.

11. Ana cocina un pastel y unas galletas.

12. Yo traigo mucha carne.

13. Uds. invitan a Lola y a Maga a cenar.

14. ¿Quién bebe jugo de toronja?

15. Yo voy a pedir un refresco.

16. Tú necesitas comprar huevos hoy.

17. Pepe tiene que comer las verduras.

18. Nosotros queremos pagar la cena.

19. Marta prefiere invitar a Juan y a Ana.

20. No puedo esperar a las otras invitadas.

Parte 3: Translate the sentences.

1. I understand him.

2. He kisses her.

3. They invite us.

4. I see them (m).

5. Paco loves her.

6. I need you (fam).

7. He looks for them (f).

8. They visit us.

9. Who knows her?

10. Nobody calls him.

11. You believe me.

12. I wait for you (pl).

13. She knows us.

14. I look at him and her.

15. They hug you (fam).

16. I want to see it (movie).

17. Juan needs to wash it (car).

18. We have to buy them (shirts).

19. You want to help us.

20. They prefer to visit you.

Tú Command Retake Assignment

Affirmativo Negativo

1. servir

2. cepillarse

3. poner

4. ir

5. andar

6. dar

7. salir

8. venir

9. borrar

10. vender

11. lavarse

12. decir

13. asistir

14. saber

15. ser

16. pedir

17. chocar

18. ganar

19. investigar

20. comenzar

21. hacer

22. tener

23. pensar

24. aprender

25. estar

Traduce los mandatos.


1. Go to the library.

2. Come to the window.

3. Have a good day!

4. Put them (f) in the kitchen.

5. Give it (m) to them.

6. Sing them (f) to me.

7. Kiss him.


8. Don’t talk to her.

9. Don’t arrive late.

10. Don’t tell me it (m).

11. Don’t help them.

12. Don’t write it (f) to Marta.

13. Don’t stop.

14. Don’t do it.

***COPY your notes on tú commands. Bring the copy and the original to Maestra May with the rest of the retake assignment.

Come to tutoring if necessary before the retake.