Dual Enrollment English

Course Description

This is the course hub for the 2017-2018 school year. While all assignments will be submitted through Schoology, this is a useful place to find all documents required for the course. I will upload monthly calendars at the end of each month. 
Good Luck!

Upcoming Assignments See all

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Change to Schedule

If you referred to the August calendar, you probably notice tomorrow is a fishbowl discussion.
We're going to push that back a little, and instead focus on an introduction to academic reading.
Sorry for the late notice mixup.  

Great Sample Essays!

I've just uploaded a couple of great college essays that you can look to as examples of the form. Both essays are great examples of using anecdote in your essay, and highlighting the importance of overcoming obstacles in your life. (One of the most common essay prompts you'll find is on obstacles).
Feel free to read through these, and use them as models. Think about what works in them, and how you could implement similar techniques for your own essay.
Lastly, this is not assigned, so it is entirely up to you to read them. I think they could be quite helpful for those who need inspiration. 