CHS Latin Students Wind Big at Convention

The following CHS Latin students won awards: 


Latin 1   

Phi Phi Dang 

1st Academic Heptathlon

1st (joint) Mythology 

5th Vocabulary 


Spandana Bhatlapenumarthy 

1st Grammar 

2nd  Latin Reading Comprehension 


Neena Wohabrebbi 

1st Mythology

5th Hellenics 


Yoori Youn 

2nd Roman History

2nd Geography

2nd Mythology

3rd Academic Heptathlon

3rd Roman Life

5th Grammar

5th Latin Reading Comprehension 


Logan Patil 

3rd Reading Comprehension

4th Geography

4th Grammar

5th Roman History 


Molly Brown 

5th Mythology 


Latin 2

Kedar Balaji 

5th Latin Derivatives 


Latin 3

Davis Johnson 

1st Roman History

5th Roman Life 


Caleb Burks 

2nd Mythology 


Muhammad Arshad 

3rd Classical Art History 


Abhi Bhatlapenumarthy 

5th Grammar 


Keith DSouza 

5th Classical Art History 


Latin 4  

Saranya Thota 

1st Classical Art History

1st Mythology

3rd Latin Literature 


Other Awards

Molly Brown and Logan Patil 

1st Costume


Caleb Burks

2nd Vocal Performance


Kenzie Slakans

2nd Graphic Arts (Oils)


Molly Brown 

3rd Roman Cookery

4th Vocal Performance 


Ahsan Abdullah 

3rd Javelin Throw 


Zander Burgess 

3rd Discus Throw. 



Novice Team A: 4th Place

Intermediate Team B: 2nd Place

Advanced Team A: 4th Place


Best of Show (Highest Scoring Students in State for their Category)


Spandana Bhatlapenumarthy: Grammar 1

Davis Johnson: Roman History

Saranya Thota: Latin Literature, Mythology
