Jackson Bentley

Bentley is ranked third in a competitive class of 468 seniors. A four-year member of HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), Jackson has played a major role in organizing and executing blood drives for students. He has served as treasurer of the organization and was nominated as the school’s representative for Careers in Medicine Program.

In addition, Jackson is a National Merit Semifinalist, an AP Scholar with Distinction and member of the Cum Laude Society. He earned perfect scores of ‘5’ on eight AP exams and a perfect score of 800 on the SAT Math II subject test.

An exceptional athlete, Jackson has been captain of both his high school and club soccer teams for the past three years. He is a valuable member of the Knowledge Bowl Team and has been selected to compete in the Tennessee Mathematics Teachers Association competition the past three years. He has been tapped for the National Honor Society, Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, National Spanish Honor Society and National Science Honor Society.