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CHS Parking Procedures

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As a reminder, all students who park on campus must purchase a parking pass.  

New Parking Passes:

Students interested in registering for a parking pass during the school year, must hold a valid driver’s license.

Please email Dr. Holcomb at in order to make an appointment.

Parking Pass Upgrade:

Throughout the school year, parking passes sometimes become available. They are offered to students currently parking in the Athletic lot, and they are offered by seniority. Those students are randomly selected and notified via email.

Students can lose their parking passes for the following violations:

CHS Parking Pass Rules and Expectations:

  • I must display my hangtag on the rear-view mirror at all times.
  • I will forfeit my parking privileges if:
    • I skip school or leave campus without permission
    • I assist someone in leaving campus without permission
    • I receive 5 unexcused tardies to school per semester
    • I have 5 unexcused full or partial absences
    • I sell, give, loan, or receive a hangtag from another student

    (If a second offense occurs, further disciplinary action may be taken)

  • I will NOT receive a refund if I violate this parking agreement.
  • I am expected to be alert and courteous to other drivers and pedestrians.
  • I am responsible for my vehicle and all the items in my vehicle.  My vehicle is subject to search while on Collierville School property.
  • I am not allowed to go to my car during the school day without Administrator permission.
  • I will only park in my assigned parking lot in my designated parking space
  • I will arrive on campus with enough time to walk to the school building
  • Inclement weather does not change my parking location
  • Arriving to school late does not allow me to park in another parking lot or another parking space
  • Reckless or careless driving on CHS property or at CHS sponsored events
  • If I misplace my parking pass, then a replacement is available for $10