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Nursing Services

  • Nursing Services

Available Courses


    Health Science Education is an introductory course designed to prepare students to pursue careers in the fields of biotechnology research, therapeutics, health informatics, diagnostics, and support services. Upon completion of this course, a student proficient in Health Science Education will be able to identify careers in these fields, compare the features of healthcare systems, explain the legal and ethical ramifications of the healthcare setting, and begin to perform foundational healthcare skills. Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  9-10 / Prerequisite:  None)


    Medical Therapeutics is an applied course designed to prepare students to pursue careers in therapeutic and nursing services. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will be able to identify careers in therapeutics services; assess, monitor, evaluate, and report patient/client health status; and identify the purpose and components of treatments. Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level 9-10 / Prerequisite:  Health Science Education)

  • Anatomy and Physiology focuses on developing an understanding of the structures and functions of the human body, with a focus on application of concepts in the nursing services career pathway. Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  11 / Prerequisite:  Health Science Education and Medical Therapeutics)

    Special Note:  This course is specific to those students pursing the Nursing Services focus area and that intend to pursue the CNA certification.

  • Nursing Education Honors serves as a capstone course for the Nursing Services Pathway that will prepare students for career fields in nursing. Completion of this course will prepare students to participate in the Certified Nurses Aid certification exam. Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  12 / Prerequisite:  Health Science Education, Medical Therapeutics, Anatomy & Physiology)

    Special Note:  This course is paired with the Nursing Services Practicum course, where students can earn their clinical hours required for the CNA certification.

  • Nursing Services Career Practicum students will complete clinical rotations at Baptist Collierville Hospital and Jordan River Health Campus. Students gain valuable work-based learning experience, which will assist them throughout their healthcare career. The training ends with a two-part competency evaluation. During the written portion of the competency evaluation, the student will answer 75 multiple choice questions. During the skills portion, the student will perform four randomly-selected nursing skills. When students pass the competency evaluation, they earn a certification as a Nursing Assistant (CNA). Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  12 / Prerequisite:  Health Science Education, Medical Therapeutics, Anatomy & Physiology)

    Special Note:  Students enrolled in this course will be required to complete 40 hours of long-term care clinical rotations, and 20 acute care clinical rotations prior to sitting for their CNA certification.

  • Dual Enrollment Medical Terminology introduces students to the foundations of medical language with specific emphasis on terminology and nomenclature for health and sport sciences. Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  11-12 / Prerequisite:  admission into UofM Dual Enrollment Program)

    Special Note:  This course is an asynchronous, online course. Dual Enrollment Credit: Upon successful completion of the course, 2 hours of college credit (HSME 2000) will be awarded by the University of Memphis.

Industry Certification

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

Students enrolled in the Nursing Services program of study will have the opportunity to earn their Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certificate. The Certified Nursing Assistant is a nationally known credential in nursing care and is a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement for patient care providers.

Certified Nursing Assistant Program 


Aligned Career & Technical Student Organization: 

Tennessee HOSA