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Supply Chain Management

Available Courses

  • Marketing & Management I: Principles focuses on the study of marketing concepts and their practical applications. Students will examine the risks and challenges marketers face to establish a competitive edge in sales. Topics include marketing functions such as promotion, distribution, and sales, as well as coverage of economics fundamentals, international marketing, and career development.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  9-10 / Prerequisite:  None)
  • Supply Chain Management I: Principles & Foundations prepares students for entry into the warehouse and distribution career field. Course content emphasizes a deep understanding of the dynamics of distribution and logistics operations, the warehousing skills needed for the tracking and managing of inventory, and the problem-solving skills used by logisticians in today’s complex business environments. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will have a thorough understanding of safety, tools, equipment, operations, processes, customer fulfillment, product lifecycle, future trends, and regulatory issues in the industry.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  10-12 / Prerequisite:  Marketing & Management I:  Principles)
  • Supply Chain Management II: Warehousing & Distribution prepares students for a capstone learning experience in logistics, planning, and management systems. A range of business tasks will be undertaken to support the operation of supply chain processes including coordinating and controlling the order cycle and associated information systems. Through exposure to crucial business activities such as project management, analyzing logistical problems, and producing new solutions, students will acquire advanced skills related to business professionalism, ethics, policies, and communication. Upon completion of this course, a proficient student will be prepared for further education and careers in the supply chain industry.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  11-12 / Prerequisite:  Supply Chain Management I)

Aligned Career & Technical Student Organizations

Industry Certifications

Certified Logistics Associate (CLA)

Students enrolled in the Supply Chain Management program of study will have the opportunity to earn their Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) Certification. The CLA focuses on the following critical work functions and their related key activities: global supply chain logistics life cycle, logistics environment, material handling equipment, safety principles, safe material handling and equipment operation, quality control principles, workplace communications, teamwork and workplace behavior, problem solving, and computer skills.

Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) Seal

Certified Logistics Technician (CLT)

Students enrolled in the Supply Chain Management program of study who have earned their Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) Certification will have the opportunity to earn their Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) Certification. The CLT prepares individuals to demonstrate mastery of the core competencies of material handling on the front-line as an entry-level to front-line supervisor. The successful completion of this certification program will increase the performance of logistics technicians and better prepare individuals in finding higher-wage jobs.

Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) Seal


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Joshua Busey
CTE - Supply Chain Management
Email Joshua Busey

Jessica Tupper

Jessica Tupper
CTE - Business
Email Jessica Tupper