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Available Courses

  • AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. The course will introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. AP Computer Science Principles will give students the opportunity to use technology to address real-world problems and build relevant solutions.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level 9-12 / Prerequisite:  Algebra I)

    Special Note:  All students enrolled in an AP course must pay the $96 exam fee and participate in the College Board AP testing program in May. Students are eligible for college credit based on their score on the AP exam and postsecondary institution requirements.

  • Dual Enrollment Engineering is an introduction to the methods of engineering problem solving. It involves a combination of lecture hours and laboratory hours each week. Sample topics include linear equations, quadratic equations, kinematics of one- and two-link robots, two-dimensional vectors, sinusoids, and more.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level:  11-12 / Prerequisite:  Admission into UofM Dual Enrollment Program; Pre-Calculus or DE College Algebra or an ACT math sub-score equal or greater than 24)

    Special Note:  This course may serve as the 4th math course if a student has met the ACT College Readiness Benchmark for mathematics. Dual Enrollment Credit: Upon successful completion of the course, 6 hours of college credit (ENGR 1009/ENGR 1010) will be awarded by the University of Memphis.

  • Physics I AP includes the study of classical mechanics. Topics include kinetics, dynamics, circular motion, simple harmonic motion, impulse, linear momentum, work, energy, rotational motion, mechanical waves, electric force, and DC circuits. Students should expect to spend an hour on homework each night. Students cannot receive a credit in both Physics and AP Physics. There is a lab fee associated with this course.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level 10-12 / Prerequisite:  Algebra II)

    Special Note:  All students enrolled in an AP course must pay the exam fee and participate in the College Board AP testing program in May. This course may serve as the 4th math course if a student has met the ACT College Readiness Benchmark for mathematics. Students are eligible for college credit based on their score on the AP exam and postsecondary institution requirements.

  • Physics II AP is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course, especially appropriate for students planning to specialize or major in STEM career. Topics include fluids; thermodynamics; electrical force, field, and potential; electric circuits; magnetism and electromagnetic induction; geometric and physical optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. Students should expect to spend an hour on homework each night. Students cannot receive a credit in both Physics and AP Physics. There is a lab fee associated with this course.

    • Credits:  1.0 (Grade Level 11-12 / Prerequisite:  AP Physics I)

    Special Note:  All students enrolled in an AP course must pay the exam fee and participate in the College Board AP testing program in May. This course may serve as the 4th math course if a student has met the ACT College Readiness Benchmark for mathematics. Students are eligible for college credit based on their score on the AP exam and postsecondary institution requirements.

Aligned Career & Technical Student Organization

Dual Enrollment Opportunities

Collierville High School is partnered with University of Memphis for the dual enrollment engineering course. The dual enrollment program allows junior and senior students to participate in college level courses conducted during the school day on the CHS campus. Students must meet admission requirements to the relevant postsecondary institution. College credit is awarded upon successful completion of the course.

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